lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011

Odio a la Gente, Chapter IV

Maybe the problem is not the people that irritate me... but with me. :o

I don't really think so... because I'm perfectly fine... but...

According to Wikipedia... I could be irritable because of:

" Irritability can occur in people experiencing any of a variety of conditions, including: "

- Anxiety

- Alcoholism

- Asperger

- Autism

- Fatiga de combate (por ejemplis!)

- Fatiga

- Cefalea

- Hambre

- Hipoglucemia

- Insomnia (¬¬ no creo..)

- Ciclo Menstrual

- TOC (muy probable)

- Embarazo ( Poco probable.. the again! remember this? )

- Síndrome Premenstrual.

- Trastorno por Estrés Post-traumático

- Estrés

- Rabia (rhabdovirus)

- Síndrome de Abstinencia

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